Prosthetics on implants
Since the middle of the last century, dental science has finally received the tools to fulfill the long-standing dream of many people - the opportunity to grow new teeth for themselves already in adulthood. So if, for various reasons, you lose one or more teeth, just come to us. With the help of implantation, we will solve your problem.
Implantation is the most modern, reliable and natural method of replacing a lost tooth. It is based on the phenomenon of osseointegration, discovered in 1965, that is, the fusion of the bone and the implant without the formation of connective tissue. Simply put, the implant is completely implanted into the bone and becomes one with it. This effect allows the new tooth to faithfully serve its owner for several decades.
Implant system
When you see an advertisement for dental prosthetics on implants, you see an image of a tooth from which a screw sticks out instead of a root - and you probably think that this is an implant. This is not entirely true. In fact, such billboards depict an implantation system consisting of three elements:
implant directly (root in the form of a screw)
abutment (periosteal element serving as an intermediate link between the implant and the crown of the tooth)
dental crown.
That is, de facto, in the case of dental implantation, you will receive an engineering system, the trouble-free and durable operation of which will equally depend on the quality of all its elements and the reliability of the connection between them. You probably know everything about crowns, so next we will consider the first two elements.
An implant is a titanium (zirconium and roksolite are also possible) pin or (outdated version) frame, implanted into the bone for further installation of a dental crown on it. An implant can also be compared to an artificial tooth root, which is why modern implants are often referred to as root implants.
Implant manufacturers today offer a fairly extensive range of their products with a wide price range. Naturally, the implant is selected individually for each patient, depending on medical indications and financial capabilities.
As for the prices for implants in Kyiv, everything is quite simple here - the more expensive, the better. And although outwardly they are all almost the same, their reliability and survival vary greatly. The secret here is the purity of the titanium from which the implant is made, as well as the correctness of its processing. In addition, high-end manufacturers tend to have their own research and development centers, which allows them to constantly introduce innovations that improve product quality - and therefore the quality of life of patients.
We understand that not everyone today can afford high-tech implants of top categories, therefore in our clinic you can find the optimal implantation option, designed specifically for your capabilities.
This is the middle part of the system, which looks like a turned tooth and - just like the implant - is made of titanium or zirconium. We recommend zirconia abutments because they adhere better to the gums and have a warm tint similar to the natural color of the teeth. For patients with thin gums, this is actually the only viable option.
Abutments, regardless of the material, are standard and individual. The price of standard ones is lower - but this is their only advantage. The fact is that "standardization" in this case is synonymous with averaging and involves the manufacture of the same "averaged" crown. In practice, such crowns often turn out to be too large, that is, it is almost impossible to achieve a perfect fit to the gum in this case, and this is fraught with inflammation.
The use of an individual abutment involves its fine-tuning on a special machine using computer simulation. The result is a crown that is most accurately connected to the gum.
Stages of implantation
1. Installation
In our clinic, this stage takes no more than 15 minutes and, with rare exceptions, does not require prior preparation. During the procedure, the patient is given local anesthesia, after which the gum is incised and a bed for the implant is prepared with the help of cutters. Next, the implant itself is screwed in, and a suture is made on the gum, which is removed after 10 days. In general, the installation of an implant in terms of trauma is comparable to the extraction of a tooth without complications.
2. Integration
This is a passive stage that does not require any action from either the doctor or the patient. In fact, this is just the time period necessary for the body to “get used to” with the new “organ”. Depending on the price of the implant, the duration of this stage is 2-3 months for the lower jaw and 3-6 for the upper.
Attention! If your lifestyle involves publicity, or you simply do not want to walk around with a hole in your mouth for several months, we can offer you a temporary prosthesis, which we will glue to your body during integration.
3. Installing the Healing Abutment
When a person’s own teeth break through, the gums naturally “enclose” them around the entire perimeter, preventing infection and food debris from penetrating inside. During implantation, a gingiva former is used to achieve the same effect. This is a temporary element of the system. It is screwed into the implant in such a way as to rise slightly above the gum. Typically, gum formation is completed within 2-4 weeks.
The procedure is performed under local anesthesia. After it, for some time, weak pain and bleeding are possible. This is fine. The duration of such phenomena is individual, but if the pain does not go away after a week, you should definitely contact us.
4. Taking impressions and making a crown
This is the final stage at which an impression of the gum is taken from the patient, according to which a dental crown is made in the laboratory. Finally, the gingiva former is replaced by an abutment to which the crown is attached.
At Club 32, we prefer to make dentures removable. To do this, the crown is glued to the abutment in the laboratory, and in the clinic the finished structure is screwed to the implant with a screw, after which it is sealed. This technology allows, if necessary, to easily unscrew the crown and carry out "maintenance" of the implant. If, for some non-dental reason, the crown breaks, it can be easily replaced without losing the implant.
Implant-supported dentures are not a cheap service. That is why the guarantee is of particular importance here. Usually, the guaranteed service life of an implanted tooth is at least 10 years. High end implants come with a lifetime warranty. Manufacturers also guarantee the replacement of the implant in case of non-engraftment (rejection) or inflammation (reimplantitis). In fairness, it should be noted that world statistics register an average of 1.5% of non-survival of implants, so you most likely will not encounter such difficulties.
I would like to separately note that clinics abroad do not give a guarantee for an implant if a person smokes. In Ukraine, the conditions are still milder, but such a restriction eloquently indicates that it is better to quit smoking after implantation.
After dental prosthetics on implants, oral hygiene should be given much more attention. In addition to the obligatory visit to the procedures of special hygienic cleaning every six months, we also strongly recommend purchasing an irrigator.

- Full dental check-up courtesy of Club 32
- Free implantation and prosthetics with the help of the Dental Help fund
- Club 32 covers 15% of the cost of surgery (including implantation), 15% of prosthetics, and 5% of orthodontic treatment for military personnel