Periodontitis is a common disease of the gum tissue that is characterized by inflammation, bleeding gums, mobility of teeth, the appearance of abscesses, enlargement and tenderness of lymph nodes. The development of periodontitis can lead to bone loss and other oral diseases.
At home to cure periodontitis and periodontal disease is almost impossible, because, first and foremost, you must resolve the etiological cause of periodontal disease is dental plaque deposits under the gums, which contain pathogenic bacteria.
In dentistry gained extensive experience in the treatment of periodontitis, among which the vector-therapy is the most modern, the main and most effective method of treatment. .
In vector therapy use the energy of ultrasonic waves for gentle removal of Tartar and dental plaque in the area of periodontal pocket. The special anti-bacterial solution suspension has a healing effect on the area of inflammation.
The procedure Vector - therapy is:
1. Painless;.
2. Not traumatic;.
3. Gives fast health results;.
4. Is the prevention of tooth loss;.
5. Used for cleaning and preventing inflammation in the area of dental implants;.
Conducting high-quality vector therapy in the clinic "32 Club" will help you to get rid of periodontitis, preserve the function and health of teeth.
- Full dental check-up courtesy of Club 32
- Club 32 covers 30% of the cost of treatment for military personnel
- Club 32 covers 15% of the cost of surgery (including implantation), 15% of prosthetics, and 5% of orthodontic treatment for military personnel
- Free implantation and prosthetics with the help of the Dental Help fund