Air Flow Teeth Cleaning

The importance of home oral hygiene cannot be overemphasized. But even with the most thorough cleaning at home, it is physically impossible to remove all plaque, so to keep your teeth in perfect condition, you need to carry out professional cleaning at least twice a year, an integral part of which is Air Flow.

What is Air Flow

Air Flow is a hygienic procedure during which a mixture of water, air and finely dispersed soda is supplied to the teeth under pressure with the help of a special apparatus. Under the influence of such a “cocktail”, all soft plaque is completely painlessly removed from the surface of the teeth and from the interdental spaces. As a result, teeth can lighten one or two shades.


Air Flow is the only way to clean gum pockets from plaque and food debris.

Why the cost of Air Flow in different clinics in Kyiv is not the same

Why the cost of Air Flow in different clinics in Kyiv is not the same

Air Flow refers to those types of dental procedures, during which the professionalism of a doctor is certainly important, but the main thing is still the quality of equipment and materials. Let's see why.

The cost of the procedure includes the price of soda and the apparatus with which the mixture is supplied - or rather, its tip. As for soda, expensive and cheap, without differing in appearance, will have a completely different effect on the teeth. The reason for this is the size and shape of the crystals. If you take several grains of soda of different classes and examine them under a microscope, you will find that expensive grains are calibrated - that is, they have the same size and the correct round shape; and cheap ones resemble rough stones with sharp edges, in addition, among them there are both very large and very small. Consequently, during treatment with expensive soda, enamel and gums will experience minimal stress and will quickly recover. If you hit them with a cheap one, then you will most likely leave the doctor with bleeding gums and remember for the rest of your life that Air Flow is flour. Although, in fact, you were simply offered a “more profitable” option.

The same applies to tips. Here the spread of prices is even greater - an expensive one, supplying a thin point jet, can cost about two thousand euros, and a cheap one, capable only of "carpet bombing", can be bought for fifty dollars.

We at the dental clinic "Club 32" use only tips and premium soda EMS (Switzerland) for the AirFlow procedure

After the procedure

With all the possible softness of the procedure, Air Flow still causes microtrauma to the gums, so at Club 32 we definitely prescribe special rinses for patients who have undergone this procedure. This helps the gum to recover as quickly as possible.


  • Allergy to soda
  • Tuberculosis
  • HIV
  • Bronchial asthma and other respiratory diseases
  • SARS, influenza and other viral diseases
  • Increased tooth sensitivity
  • Demineralization zones
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