Toothache is one of the most complex and difficult reactions of the body to the inflammatory process.
Admission for acute pain at the "Club 32" clinic takes place without an appointment. To do this, you need to come to our clinic and immediately receive emergency care.
The nature of the toothache indicates the beginning of the inflammation process in the area of the tooth:
- pain that occurs when cold or hot food hits the tooth - a sign of caries;
- paroxysmal, radiating to the hip, ear or neighboring teeth - a sign of inflammation of the dental nerve (pulpitis);
- severe localized pain that increases with exertion is a sign of periodontitis.
If the pain occurred at night, and it is not possible to get emergency dental care, the advice of the specialists of the "Club 32" clinic will help you relieve it before visiting our emergency room:
- Remove food residues from the area of the diseased tooth;
- Rinse the place of localization of pain with a warm solution of soda (1 teaspoon per glass of water);
- Take an anti-inflammatory pain reliever. 3 hours before the doctor's appointment, it is necessary to stop taking painkillers for a more thorough diagnosis;
- Carry out point massage of the hand for 5-7 minutes with an ice cube from the outside in the V-shaped area where the big and index fingers meet: this point is painful when pressed.
It is forbidden to brush a sick tooth and take antibiotics.
The doctors of the "Club 32" clinic are ready to provide you with qualified dental care every day from 9:00 a.m. Do not wait for the development of inflammation, even if the pain has temporarily stopped.

- Full dental check-up courtesy of Club 32
- Free implantation and prosthetics with the help of the Dental Help fund
- Club 32 covers 15% of the cost of surgery (including implantation), 15% of prosthetics, and 5% of orthodontic treatment for military personnel