Humans have always sought to be like Gods. Of course, we don't know if these Gods actually exist, but that doesn't change the point.

We strive to create Worlds, or at least to create in the World.
It is with this deep human desire that creativity is connected.

In society, creativity is often confused with the arts.
👉For example, the son (daughter) of my mother's friend is a creative person - he is engaged in photography (music), and you are just a bank manager.

But a musician or a photographer is not necessarily more creative than a bank manager.
Yes, these professions have a certain social flora... a myth about some mega-bright creative life.

But in fact, musicians often just hang out in the "Flying Walk" taverns or something like that, and photographers just shoot weddings.

Is there creativity in this❓ Yes, but no more than in the profession of a janitor. He creates a clean yard.

Likewise, bank managers, especially those higher up in the corporate hierarchy, may well be creative. For example, sign a loan agreement to finance new construction. And so they created a house with their signature.

It turns out that creativity is not related to the profession.
So what is it then?

✨In our opinion, creativity is the intention to create reality.
It is the "intention", because every homo has such an "ability", but the intention to pay attention to such a creation is quite a rare thing.
And it must be constantly developed. It is done quite simply.

The first step is to take full responsibility for each of your choices.
After all, it is the choice that creates the consequences.
That is, with the help of choice, we create the future.
For example, we can choose to sulk and complain about our bad fate, or we can grit our teeth and continue to do what we love most and develop it.

"It" could be anything: a dental clinic, the ability to play the drums, a career in banking, a relationship, raising a child, etc.
In whatever area you realize your potential - create your own World, follow your dreams, being aware of responsibility for your life and the consequences of your choices.

This is creativity.

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