While inventing the most advanced medical technologies and medicinal products, scientists and specialists also think about everyday but very necessary things. For example, ... a toothbrush!
We have already introduced you to some of them. We present to you the most modern and advanced types of toothbrushes: electric, sonic and ultrasonic.The principle of operation of an electric toothbrush is its ability to clean the surface of the teeth with the help of moving cleaning heads that make reciprocating movements.
A sonic toothbrush consists of bundles of bristles that, under the influence of high-frequency vibrations at a speed of 10-30 thousand movements per minute, clean the surface of the tooth enamel by pulsation. Brushes of this type have a built-in frequency generator that produces a sound oscillating wave that destroys plaque.
The operation of an ultrasonic toothbrush is based on the system of creating a vibration-oscillatory wave of up to 102 million movements per minute, with a range of 1.6-1.7 MHz. Under the influence of these waves, teeth are not only cleaned from plaque, but also, and this is very important, the products of harmful microbes are neutralized.
- It has a therapeutic effect, reducing gum bleeding;
- It serves as a prevention of gingivitis. Due to the deep penetration of the waves into the gingival paradontal pockets, pathological microflora is destroyed, which is mostly dangerously localized in the area of the tooth neck;
- Improves blood microcirculation in the tissues of the oral cavity;
- Redox processes in tissues are enhanced;
- The production of useful biologically active substances, such as serotonin, histamine, and heparin, is more active;
- Qualitatively removes plaque in places that are difficult to reach with conventional brushes: interdental spaces, depressions on large chewing teeth, inner surface of teeth, gum pockets;
- It promotes more intensive and deeper absorption of useful substances contained in therapeutic toothpastes, for example, calcium.
But what even the smartest toothbrushes can't do is completely clean the surface of your teeth from hard plaque 100% of the time. Only professional teeth cleaning is "capable" of this. And an ultrasonic toothbrush is no exception. However, for all its usefulness, it has a number of contraindications for use:
- The presence of tumors in the body;
- The presence of a pacemaker;
- Pregnancy of any term;
- A period of exacerbation of chronic diseases in the body, especially of a dental nature: periodontitis or gingivitis;
- The presence of periodontitis (inflammation in the area of the tooth root);
- Availability of crowns, fillings and veneers.
- If a person has crowns, fillings, or veneers, the tooth structure is naturally disturbed, and it is not uniform in density. When you use an ultrasonic toothbrush, different areas of the tooth are impacted at different speeds, and this can cause a filling to fall out or a veneer to come off.
Now you are familiar with the most modern types of toothbrushes and can choose the one that suits you best.

- Full dental check-up courtesy of Club 32
- Free implantation and prosthetics with the help of the Dental Help fund
- Club 32 covers 15% of the cost of surgery (including implantation), 15% of prosthetics, and 5% of orthodontic treatment for military personnel