The value of a man and the value of a woman

The value of a man and the value of a woman
What is the fundamental difference?

It has already happened that the interaction and struggle of opposites is one of the foundations of our world.

The well-known yin-yang symbol visualizes this interaction and struggle quite clearly.
There is always white in black and vice versa.

It is the same with the halves of the human race. The interaction between men and women was never simple and often took the form of struggle. However, our society would not exist without it (Kep).

Therefore, it is worth taking a closer look at this interaction.

One of the teachings about the deep nature of reality, quite widespread in the world, and especially in South America, claims that there is a fundamental difference between men and women, or more precisely between the male and female primal.

And no offense to the feminists - men and women are equally important to the world.
They are just different. And this difference is also expressed in the perception of one's own value.

Toltecs - that's what the representatives of this teaching are called - claim that the foundation of femininity is unconditional value. That is, women are valuable no matter what. They are valuable simply because they are. And a full-fledged woman can only be when she realizes her unconditional value.

By the way, yesterday's holiday very clearly illustrates this thesis.
Men's holiday is really a Soviet delusion. Men cannot be welcomed simply because they are men. But women can and should be. Because this is a recognition of the unconditional value - the foundation of femininity.

But the value of a man is always conditional. Men are valuable because they are... protective, smart, funny, rich, loyal... put your choice. And without these properties, men have no value.

According to this view of the world, the foundation of the male firstborn is direct knowledge.

That's why boys like to take things apart. This is how they realize their deep nature.
Girls realize it while being in the center of attention of others.

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