The first rule of healthy motivation is getting enough sleep.
Second, you should be interested in the learning process itself, and not in the reward for its result.
We do everything for reward. And that's ok. You just have to learn to get the real reward – dopamine, which stimulates the zone of positive emotions – from the learning process itself. Then everything will work out.
Here is the proof. Once in kindergarten, a group of children who loved to draw and did it simply out of their own desire began to be rewarded for their drawings. And after some time they stopped issuing rewards. It turned out that children's desire to draw decreased significantly. This proves that transferring the reward from the process to the result reduces the motivation for the action itself. Therefore, you need to study in order to be able to, and not to sell this skill later.
In nature, focus is always associated with stress and danger (adrenaline/epinephrine). If we need to artificially put ourselves in this state, then we can take a cool shower or make a cold bath for our feet. Regarding the water temperature, it is enough to make you feel discomfort.
Neurophysiologists also recommend listening to binaural rhythms to improve concentration before learning. This will stimulate the prefrontal cortex and contribute to the release of acetylcholine and dopamine, which are necessary for concentration
Applications with them - both paid and free - are available for both types of OS.
You can still listen to white, pink or brown (don't laugh) noises.
They are on youtube.
Listen 5 minutes before studying and go.
And learn from others, and do not shun your own (c).

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