How to pump up willpower

Recently, neurophysiologists found out that people have a special part of the brain responsible for free will. This is the so-called anterior middle part of the cerebral cortex.

The experiments were conducted in the USA, where quite a lot of people suffer from obesity.

It turned out that in such patients this department is much smaller compared to ordinary homos, but if they go on a diet and adhere to it for a long time - it increases.

It is even greater in athletes and those who live long and at the same time actively.

It also turned out that this department increases when a person does something that he does not want, but must.

That is, you can "pump up" the will only by disciplined regular performance of unwanted (difficult), but necessary actions.

It is also interesting that the will to something is a separate manifestation of the fundamental will to live (remember those who live long and at the same time actively).
By the way, yoga also says that in order to start any real changes in life, a person must behave in a very disciplined manner.

American Admiral William G. McRaven holds the same opinion. Do you remember the book "Make the bed"? She is just about that.

Also, we advise those who want to shake their will to start with discipline.

For example, once every six months, undergo a preventive examination at the dentist and do professional dental hygiene.

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