How to overcome anxiety

Anxiety can be both an independent disorder and a symptom of some diseases.

Therefore, before starting psychological techniques, it is worth making sure that chronic anxiety is not a manifestation of disorders in the work of internal organs and systems.

For example, causeless morning anxiety is often associated with disorders in the work of the adrenal glands, and constant tension and increased situational anxiety with disorders in work of the thyroid gland. In addition, anxiety can be a manifestation of clinical depression.

In these cases, only drug treatment prescribed by the appropriate doctor can help.

If all the tests are normal, and the psychiatrist did not detect depression, we advise you to take the following measures.

1. Put the focus of attention on that part of life that you can control and accept that there are things independent of our will. Do not forget that we live in an era of global changes and the percentage of uncertainty is currently on the scale. We do the same as we can and it will be as it will be.

2. Will significantly reduce the amount of time spent reading the news. A couple of times a day is enough.

3. Determine what exactly is causing the anxiety. Could it be certain situations, people, or even thoughts? Understanding the causes will help to understand how to isolate or avoid disturbing factors.

4. Use time-proven relaxation techniques: deep breathing, yoga, meditation.

5. Spend more time on physical activity. Regular exercise releases endorphins, which are natural antidepressants and sedatives.

6. Follow the daily routine. Establish a stable schedule, including adequate sleep and a healthy diet.

7. Allow yourself rest and reasonable entertainment. Spend more time on what brings you pleasure.

8. If possible, seek professional help. It is advisable to choose psychotherapists based on recommendations.

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