We think that at least once in your life, Windows crashed, and you started the "Task Manager" to bring your computer to its senses.

Remember there were multiple tabs? Among them are "Applications" and "Processes".

Our mind is in many ways similar to this operating system, so instead of resorting to Eastern religious terms, we will explain the principle of meditation through an analogy with Windows (no offense to MacOS fans).

Our "working memory" is tight. Quite a lot of "Apps" are running there 24/7. Relationships, finances, politics, career, a tooth aches... All this constantly rattles and needs attention. And attention is resources. Do you remember that the brain eats 20% of all our glucose?

In addition, these programs are often "bugged" - they immerse us in an illusion, cause irrational anxiety, activate the zone of negative emotions and can even introduce a depressive state.

At the same time, the brain also performs a number of strategic tasks: it organizes work with knowledge accumulated during life, learns, controls organs and constantly monitors changes in the environment.

These brain activities are systemic and are located on the conditional tab "PROCESSES".

Of course, they also need glucose and allocation of "working memory".

So, meditation - watching your breath, repeating a mantra, resting after yoga or something else - turns off everything in the "Programs" tab.

All non-system activities are paused. You immerse yourself in total silence. There is nothing there but life itself. Even some system processes are inhibited.

This is a very deep rest.

Deeper than sleep.

It allows the brain to recover. And we experience the fact that when all thoughts disappear, we still remain. That is, we and our thoughts are not the same thing.

This is the first stage.

Next comes the development of the ability to start and turn off "Programs" at will.

This is the most effective type of activity, and mastering it dramatically increases the quality of life.

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