For your attention, a "sports" case performed by Boris Borisovych Shevchuk.
For your attention, a "sports" case performed by Boris Borisovych Shevchuk.
The patient came to us after an injury during wrestling training (the teeth on the right began to shake and hurt).
In addition, during some exercises in the gym, the front teeth were seriously damaged. The man clenched his jaws so hard that the enamel began to wear off.
Unfortunately, the injury during the fight turned out to be critical for several teeth, so they had to be removed.
Lost teeth were restored with a zirconium bridge prosthesis.
Since the patient did not want to give up the fight, we made an individual sports mouth guard for him. With it, training can be continued without the risk of further tooth loss.
As for the teeth worn in the gym, they decided to restore them with ceramic veneers.
As a result, the function and aesthetics of the teeth lost due to trauma were completely restored, and the ground ones began to look natural again.
Do you also have problems with your teeth because of your passion for sports?
Contact us - we will decide.

- Full dental check-up courtesy of Club 32
- Free implantation and prosthetics with the help of the Dental Help fund
- Club 32 covers 15% of the cost of surgery (including implantation), 15% of prosthetics, and 5% of orthodontic treatment for military personnel