Do you need to brush your tongue?
Tongue hygiene is no less important than dental hygiene.
Therefore, it is necessary to brush the tongue in the morning, and in the evening it is very desirable.
Morning hygiene is especially important.
At night, saliva secretion – the main way to replenish the immunity of the oral cavity – slows down. And bacteria do not waste time.
As they say: a cat out of the house - mice into the dance)
So we have a not very pleasant, to put it mildly, morning breath in most homos.
In order to get rid of "night revelers" and guarantee yourself a pleasant breath, it is necessary to clean your tongue immediately after brushing your teeth.
For this, you can even use an ordinary teaspoon🥄
And if you want a special brush for cleaning the tongue - write, call.
Our consultants will choose the best option.

- Full dental check-up courtesy of Club 32
- Free implantation and prosthetics with the help of the Dental Help fund
- Club 32 covers 15% of the cost of surgery (including implantation), 15% of prosthetics, and 5% of orthodontic treatment for military personnel