Bad breath is one of the symptoms of periodontitis

It not only makes social communication difficult, but can also lead to tooth loss.

The reason for such a smell is dental plaque.

If it is not removed in time, the bacteria "prescribed" there can get under the gums and start feeding on them and the jaw bone.

Immunity, of course, will prevent them from eating you completely. However, inflammation in this case is guaranteed.

The fact is that inflammation is one of the methods of the immune system's war against invading bacteria. And everything would be fine, but our internal army - which is immunity - does not care. She needs to save her life, and for this she can easily sacrifice her teeth.

But you definitely won't like life without teeth, so if you have persistent bad breath, and especially if it is accompanied by bleeding from the gums during brushing, pain when chewing or the formation of deep pockets between the gums and teeth, immediately contact a periodontist .

In the arsenal of our specialists, there are all means for successfully fighting periodontitis.

The main thing is not to waste time, because otherwise you can lose your teeth.

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