A story about overconfidence
Once upon a time there lived a young man. In childhood, he was not taught to carefully monitor his teeth, so he had a lot of dental problems.
And there was one "sleeper" among them. His canals were somehow not treated, and there was inflammation at the root for many years. Small. Didn't bother. The body kept him under control.
This is the backstory.
And now the story itself.
The young man was interested in science, and he was especially inspired by immunology. Macrophages, T-lymphocytes, B-lymphocytes, T-B interaction. Fear is interesting.
And somehow the young man got a toothache. Not the one with chronic inflammation. Another. But from the same side.
The young man came, that is, to his doctor. And he tells him: "We need to depulp."
And the young man said: "No, I don't want to." Few living teeth remained. I will phagocytize the infection in it.”
The doctor was a little surprised, but decided not to argue. If he knows such words intelligently, he can really phagocytize.
Who does not know, phagocytes are such cells of immunity. They eat disease-causing bacteria and viruses that managed to break into our body. And after the phagocytes eat all the invaders, we recover
The number of phagocytes is limited, and they are more or less evenly distributed throughout the body.
So, while the young man tried to phagocytize the pain in the tooth. His old inflammation - which, let's remember, was not far from the new one - became much worse. And all due to the fact that the "command" of immunity was forced to transfer immune cells to the fight against new inflammation. And there were simply not enough immune cells for two areas of struggle.
The young man came again to the doctor and let him sprinkle ashes on his head. Like, oh why didn't I listen to you. Should have depulped when you said. The doctor smiled.
Sit down, he says, in a chair. Open your mouth. We will treat.
The young man sat down and opened his mouth, and the tooth on which there was an old inflammation was gone.
It had to be removed urgently, because the inflammation was no longer treated.
That's how excessive confidence in the strength of one's own immunity cost the young man a tooth.
Morality 🙂
Study your own structure for general development, but do not forget to listen to doctors.

- Full dental check-up courtesy of Club 32
- Free implantation and prosthetics with the help of the Dental Help fund
- Club 32 covers 15% of the cost of surgery (including implantation), 15% of prosthetics, and 5% of orthodontic treatment for military personnel